Define a Diminished Seventh Chord.
A chord consisting of a diminished triad plus a diminished seventh.
Define a Mordent.
An ornament indicating that the note is to be played with a single rapid alternation with the note above or below.
Define an Octatonic Scale.
A scale alternating whole and half steps.
Define Hemiola.
A rhythmic device where two bars in triple time are articulated as if they were three bars in duple time.
Define a Hemidemisemiquaver.
A sixty-fourth note, half the duration of a demisemiquaver.
Define a Diatonic Scale.
A scale consisting of five whole steps and two half steps.
Define Consonance and Dissonance.
Consonance is a stable, agreeable combination of tones; dissonance is a combination of tones that creates tension.
Define a Melodic Minor Scale.
A minor scale with a raised sixth and seventh degree ascending, and natural minor descending.
Define a Cross Rhythm.
A rhythm contrasting the main rhythm or meter, often found in polyrhythmic music.
Define a Cadential Extension.
An extension of a cadence through additional material.
Define an Alberti Bass.
A pattern of accompaniment where the notes of the chord are played in the order low-high-middle-high.
Define a Locrian Mode.
A mode with a diminished fifth, based on the seventh degree of the major scale.
Define a Trill.
A musical ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes.
Define a Suspended Chord.
A chord in which the third is replaced or delayed by a second or fourth, creating a need to resolve.
Define a Hemiola.
A rhythmic device where two bars in triple time are articulated as if they were three bars in duple time.
Define Chromaticism.
Use of notes outside the prevailing key signature.
Define a Passaggio in Vocal Music.
A transitional area of a singer's voice.
Define Enharmonic Modulation.
Changing keys by reinterpreting a chord as a different chord with the same pitches.
Define Dodecaphony.
A composition technique using a twelve-tone row where no pitch is repeated within the row.
Define Lydian Mode.
A mode identical to the major scale but with a raised fourth scale degree.
Define an Appoggiatura.
A non-chord tone that is approached by leap and then resolved by step, often on a strong beat.
Define a Ripieno in Baroque Music.
The larger of two ensembles in a concerto grosso, as opposed to the smaller, solo group.
Define a Cadential 6/4 Chord.
A second inversion tonic chord used to embellish the dominant.
Define a Secondary Leading Tone Chord.
A leading tone chord that resolves to a diatonic chord other than the tonic.
Define Anacrusis.
A pickup note or notes occurring before the first full bar.