flashcasts about account

Explain 'existentialism' in literature.

Define 'pastoral literature' and give an example.

Define 'tragic flaw' in a character.

Define 'picaresque novel' and give an example.

Define 'antithesis' and give an example.

Explain the concept of 'the Byronic hero'.

Explain 'alliteration' with an example.

Define 'pathetic fallacy' with an example.

Define 'epic poetry' and give an example.

Define 'assonance' and provide an example.

Explain 'dramatic irony' with an example.

Define 'blank verse' and provide an example.

Define 'anagnorisis' in tragedy.

Define 'free verse' in poetry.

Define 'sonnet' and its types.

Define 'lyric poetry' and give an example.

Define 'synecdoche' and give an example.

Define 'ambiguity' in literature.

Define 'allegory' and give an example.

Define 'oxymoron' and provide an example.

Define 'stream of consciousness' and name an author known for this style.

Define 'satirical novel' and provide an example.

Explain 'metonymy' with an example.

Explain 'juxtaposition' in literature.

Explain 'narrative poetry' with an example.