flashcasts about account

Define a union by rank and path compression in disjoint-set data structures.

Define a hash function in the context of hash tables.

Define a doubly linked list.

Explain Breadth-first search (BFS) in tree traversal.

Define a graph vertex.

Define a trie (prefix tree).

Define a quadtree.

Define the Boyer-Moore algorithm.

Differentiate between a directed and undirected graph.

Define a priority queue.

Differentiate between adjacency list and adjacency matrix representations of a graph.

Explain the A* search algorithm.

Define a weighted graph.

Define a dense graph.

Define the concept of a persistent data structure.

Define a complete binary tree.

Define a k-d tree (k-dimensional tree).

Define a segment tree.

Define amortized analysis in the context of algorithm complexity.

Define interval trees.

Define linear probing in the context of open addressing.

Define Dijkstra's algorithm.

Define the concept of an exponential tree.

Define AVL tree.

Explain dynamic programming in relation to data structures.