flashcasts about account

Define 'feedback inhibition'.

Define 'allopatric speciation'.

Define 'anabolism'.

Define 'endocytosis'.

Define 'denaturation'.

Define 'cellular respiration'.

Define 'ecological succession'.

Define 'genetic drift'.

Define 'catalysis'.

Define 'enzyme specificity'.

Define 'biogeochemical cycle'.

Define 'epistasis'.

Define 'autotroph'.

Define 'ecological niche'.

Define 'biome'.

Define 'gene expression'.

Define 'allele'.

Define 'diploid'.

Define 'coenzyme'.

Define 'disaccharide'.

Define 'atomic number' in the context of chemistry.

Define 'active site' of an enzyme.

Define 'competitive inhibition' in enzymatic reactions.

Define 'genotype'.

Define 'ecosystem'.